Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Brother Odd - book

I've been attempting to read this book all summer. I finally finished it after 4 starts & restarts. I guess it didn't hold my interest in the beginning. I vowed to finish it over Labor Day weekend and I did. There was absolutely NOTHING on tv that weekend. Shows were all had trouble putting it down. Like I said, the beginning was lots of background on the characters who I found it tedious to keep straight. As it turns out, that wasn't really necessary, the important characters were kept straight by their names & actions.

I really liked the first book in this series, Odd Thomas. I found the much anticipated sequel somewhat disappointing. I'll put Brother Odd in between the other two. I liked the storyline and settting, but I think I was expecting much more of a showdown at the end. Not that I wanted mass bloodshed or anything, but after all that buildup I thought there could've been more bat swinging! I really didn't wish for anymore death though, just a bigger fight perhaps.

It was quite obvious that the ending included a set-up for another in the Odd Thomas series.
But, am I the only person who didn't get that Boo was a ghost until it was pointed out at the very end? It's The Sixth Sense all over again!

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