Saturday, September 8, 2007

Mansfield Park (1999)

I find it better for me to see a movie version of a story before I read the book. The other way around is often disappointing. I maybe have seen this movie before, but am currently on a quest to refamiliarize myself with characters from Jane Austen stories, prior to the theatrical release of The Jane Austen Book Club, or the DVD release (date unknown) of Becoming Jane. Also we don't have a copy of this book in our home library, so it would likely be the last Jane I'd be able to read.

In any case, I liked the story, and much of the movie, but was a little bothered by the way action was stopped at least twice & a question was posed, such as "or did they?", or something to that effect. That was odd. Other than that, I found the story a little too modernized, and parts of the story, while explored, were not fully explained. I'm not sure if I will add this one to my DVD collection. I'll probably wait to see the other version first and see which I prefer. Although I probably should put the book on my "must read" list.

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