Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Northanger Abbey - book

This one went quick! It was the only Jane Austen story that I didn't know. It was typical of an Austen novel even though there was a little touch of suspense. I really expected this part of the story to be developed more, but it wasn't. Since I'm not a fan of suspense stories, that was fine with me. I was fully expecting a happy ending love story & that's what I got. I had read in the introduction to this particular edition, that everything came to a sudden conclusion, almost as if she was in a hurry to wrap it up. I found that to be the case, but I think that all that lead up to the end result is the story, not the ending itself. Plus at that point, not having read this one before, even knowing there'd be a happy ending for the heroine, I couldn't wait to find out how it would happen.

1 comment:

Ryan said...

I'm glad you liked it. I also thought that the one time it was getting suspenseful the suspense just stopped. And you are right, the ending was very abrupt. This left me asking "That's it?"