Friday, August 24, 2007

Looking Forward to Fall Television Season

It's time to begin anticipation of the new television season! The networks are beginning to rerun some of the shows we haven't seen all summer, to get us ready. This was quite evident last night when an episode of Boston Legal was shown just after Grey's Anatomy. Grey's was rerun all summer, and I sort of watched most of them, so as to keep up with the story lines. With shows like Boston Legal, CSI, etc., you can easily pick up where you left off, but on something like Grey's where each epsiode's story is important to the next, I need to watch in order as well as be reminded what was happening. Not that the storylines on a show like Grey's are in any way important, but hey, it's entertainment, right?

And then there are shows like LOST, where I probably should rewatch the entire last season before the new one begins. That show is hard to keep up with from week to week! Especially when a story line is put on the back burner for a while and then brought back later. It seriously takes me a while to get back up to speed, lol! Last season was especially difficult with the split seasons of LOST and Heroes. I think I read they aren't going to do that again. Thank Goodness! But I guess I have plenty of time until LOST is back on.

Edit: Just sort of watched this week's episode of Grey's, for reasons stated above, only to realize that they are shown very much out of order! What's the point then?

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