Saturday, August 4, 2007


I watched this when there was absolutely nothing else to watch on a Saturday afternoon, when it was too hot to be outside. I saw Colin Firth was in it and that was enough for me. Annette Bening is very good, but I don't usually put on a movie just to see her. Since I've been on a Jane Austen kick, I thought this would be a similar type movie & it was, but set in France. The main difference being that the characters in this movie were having sex, whereas in the Jane Austen stories, the proper characters aren't unless married. That was pretty much the theme of the movie, sex & fidelity, or the lack thereof!

This was a pretty good story. The actress who played the 15 year old girl, Fairuza Balk, was amazing! Colin Firth can be believable as the Lothario as in this movie, and also as the nice guy as in the Bridget Jones movies. There was something so familiar about Henry Thomas, who played Danceny. I checked him out & saw that he played Elliot in ET, but I know I've seen him in something much more recently. But I didn't see anything else listed for him on imdb that I had seen. Of course, after the movie ended, I realized that this is another one that I know I'd seen before, but years ago. I never seem to realize this when I start watching. Although I used to watch whatever movie looked good, even though it had already started. With online guides & dvrs, that's not a problem anymore, so I'm getting to see the whole movie, start to finish!

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